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Speak Out! Sacramento believes in giving artists of all levels a platform to share their creation with the world. In our Speak Out! Pop-Up Concerts, we like to feature artists from a diverse background of genre and experience. Feature shows usually showcase 3 – 5 artists of varying media. In order to promote equal arts accessibility to all, we keep our shows free, with the option to donate towards the artists, venue, and Cause of the Month. Pop-Up Concerts take place in backyards, theatres, rooftops, parking lots, as well as more traditional venues. If you would like to be considered for performing at a Speak Out! Sacramento Pop-Up Concert, please fill out the form below!


A Friendly Message From Speak Out!:

Speak Out! Productions unapologetically seeks to promote artists of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. We do our best to get a diverse lineup for each show. Some areas that we look for diversity in are—race, gender, experience level in performance, genre, content, geographical location (we love visiting artists!), sexual orientation, gender identity, and so on. A lot goes into our decision when it comes to which acts we feature, and we ask that you trust and respect this process if your submission isn’t immediately selected. We get a large amount of submissions and only host feature shows a few times a year. We hope you will consider sharing your art with us and we hope you will still come out and enjoy the shows whether or not you are selected to feature in them!